Monday, May 23, 2011

Kursus Kepimpinan Bestari 2011

5 days Kem Kepimpinan Bestari is over.

2 days at college and 3 days at Bukit Merah Perak.

Got happy got sad got blur.

That me.

My life.

Chinese Community and Indian Community is no longer exist at 4th college.

At first, when en keat told us, we thought it was just a joke.

But then, at Kursus Kepimpinan....everything seems just happen like that.

Maybe it is good for us??

But why, I just felt that so sad.

Sad for our juniors.

I don't know why.

If this called Malaysian is negara bebas??

I wonder.

Just hope really as what pihak pengurusan said.."kita cuba dulu"~~

Ya...cuba dulu~~

However, a great memorable memories at Bukit Merah.

As we were bited by leech until can't stop bleeding for one whol
e day==

A "great" memories in our life perhap.

A long way to go.


CC+IC is under JKP KEP (Kenegaraan, Etika & Patriotisme) in future.

All of us with the pihak pengurusan.

Temporary roomie 375~~

Girls team

Guysss team

The only Chinese.


Have a fun time at water park =)

Nice shot ^^

And finally my best friend my dear.miss you*.*


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