Saturday, May 14, 2011

假期 Holiday

EXAM IS OVER!!!(eventhough Im dead><")


That means holiday is coming~~

But,so sad.Im not having holiday actually.

Today start KKCB Camp until tomorrow.

Then Sunday having Kem Kepimpinan Bestari which held at 4th college and PERAK!!wheetwheet~~(half of trainning+half of holiday^^)

Then only join PTUM Donation Drive for 2 days istead of 10 days.

So sad.

Because I did really hope can join DD and helps them collect as more as money as I can.

But perhap there is some choice we need to do and responsible that we need to pick up.

SORRY YA PTUM LOVELY GANG.not mean to FFK...hmm...felt guilty...sorry~~@@"

Hope everything is fine so far at there.All the best everyone~~~!!

Then might work at KL for the coming 3 month.hopefully.I need mon ey seriously.

So,it would be my holiday.pack yet meaningful^^


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