Friday, December 16, 2011

Mission Impossible 4

An action movie that my letchurer bring us go watch tonight


my class is movie class

so within this 1 month, we keep watch movie at auditorium and today, we went to cinema at Midvalley


12 midnight show..however those advertisement+trailer blablabla take almost half an hours really waste our time ==

However, thanks God that the movie is worth to watch^^

A movie casted by Tom Cruise

Honestly, I dislike action movie

I felt action movie very violence

However, this action movie is the first action movie that I won't felt tired eventhough watch at 12am midnight until 3am ==

A nice movie indeed!!

This scene was where Tom Cruise act like spiderman climb up the high building make me felt that

"huh..perhap, we can such brave like him in real life"


I mean brave in any decision to walk further in life of course

Not climbing the building *.*


Another scene that quite funny as his look so brand "new" =x

Smart look man^^

Then, the girl actress is pretty+sexy+clever+brave enough in this movie

Anil Kapoor

A Hindu actor that I quite admirer as last time keep watch Hindu movie Bollywood =)

mature look make him look more handsome^^

Another agen that are brave too+_+

The most scene that I like was that he still love his wife, but istead of being together with her, he just make sure that she is safe.

He choose not to get close and together with his wife again, as he know that she won't be safe if keep on together with him.

He know it.

She know it.

They are just being love each other with another way.

Such a night

Din't waste my money to watch this movie at late night.

The first movie that is action movie that I felt quite interested and amazing about action movie.

Indeed, this movie give me a lots of motivation to walk through my life.

In this movie, Tom Cruise and his partners didn't give up in this mission, eventhough it is dangerous+seems like impossible.

Of course I know that movie was just movie, can't compare with reality

but, atleast I LOVE the spirit



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