Thursday, May 21, 2009

Orientation SABS 2009

Sorry for everyone there waiting for Orientation's picture ya.Recently having exam and honestly many pictures i wanna post on my blog about Orientation.It'll takes a lot of my time.So,postponed until now ny post it.

Ok ok..without say too are the pictures.
Mr.Yong is having a Physic talk at Physic Lab~


Teachers is giving the talk.

2 guys doing what oh??haha~


Grouping.Pink colours~

Green Colours~

Me~as a temporary team facililator..not bad what..haha~

Benny and mine group~haha~

Drawing their logo of team..can see my purple big pencil box??haha~

Role call time+Description of logo.
Pink Panther~


Forget this group name already..


*Still got other group de..but lazy to put it..xp*

[Here the games's picture]

Some cute eggs use for the game~

Use the fork to transfer the egg.

Lolzz..there is "some" troubles to finish the game.

Turn and turn and turn..

Flour!!I like it~We love it~haha~find the rubber band!!

Even facililators also needs do some exersice--demo-ing..

Team work~

Everyone use only one finger to move the person on it.Trustness and team work is needed.

A game which exams the communication among groupmates.

Spider map--hydrolysis~

+Tower's Buliding+

All the towers~

Facilitators also maked one..

Stable oh?

Another exam on it^^

Now with the fast blown wind~haha~

Simon says

Facililators are demo-ing~

Nice views^^

Last two winners~

Group picture session~

The team winner--SPEED~

Bravo~This Orientation gives me a lot of experience.And welcome Lowest Six students!!Hope you all will enjoys the year at SABS^^


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