Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cendol Vs ABC

Well..recently busy study beacause having mid year exam.Keep on stayback study for economic..aihhzz..i wonder what mark i'll get it..tuesday stayback for economic again until yesterday exam economic..however..4pm went to the cendol shope near our school have a drink of cendol as ah boy want@@

Perhaps can release stress de~beacuse it is cold what~haha~

Many people drinks it.I wonder why.izzit Malaysia's whether too hot??and everyone seems just like to drink.I ordered ABC for first time..not first time la..just i don't really like ABC compared with cendol because ABC got the red beans.Thus,everytime i just drink cendol.But,this time i choose to drink ABC.Not bad de. And realised one thing.When people want go to drinks ABC,instead of saying:"Lets go have a drinks of CENDOL",but not"Let go have a drinks of ABC".

As ah boy say,it is easier to say CENDOL compared with ABC..-.-

Anyway.i still feel that i LOVE cendol more compared with ABC.haha~


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