Thursday, June 25, 2009


Today is really a hard day for me.

Early morning..i fall down from upstair at my house.

Just like those drama..the pregnant women fall down from stairs and cause her face keguguran..the different between the women and me is just i didn't pregnant..won't keguguran@@

My hand and my punggung is totally pain..T_T

Then at school..hit by the chair of ANDREW ANG!!!

He push the chair to block me from chasing he as he say something about me(i also forget what it is seems is he pukul me then i wanna pukul him back)..then i hit the chair as i can't stop it on time@@

Really pain enough.they still laugh me stupid and "act" again what happen about the incident-.-

It lebam already.It is not nice already since im gonna wear a dress go prom night on saturday.Now got lebam already..the skirt is can't cover it de...T.T



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