Thursday, December 10, 2009

The day after STPM

Yesterday night after STPM.we went to have steamboat nearby Tc..have fn there^^

Chua..can you noticed something behind...omg@@

Yung Yao...

Random take..

hand hand hand@@

Special egg..xp

Zai2's egg..

Two egg--Heshua's and Zai's

3 boil egg@@

Then we celebrate Sia's early birthday which supposed is on 11dec..

Hhaha..look at his reaction@@

After stpm birthday de people is almost like this de..because everyone is release their happiness and freedom~~wakaka~~

Pity him..xD

A little small cute kid with his "car"~~

Then,kitqian,yee ning and me went to JR yumcha..


A triangle inside you know what it means??

Yee Ning make you know what is that??kitqian and me can't figure out what is that-.-

The door at JR..xp
Random take..

Everything is fine and happy..except when that yun yi come with her kiat and keep "say" at there@@and that wong yun yi wear that star shirt...arghhh~~lolzzz~~


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